Vayeishev 37:21-27 ?>

Vayeishev 37:21-27

The brothers throw Yosef in the pit and then sell him

Vayeishev 37:12-20 Yosef seeking out his brothers

37:12-20 translations and basic comprehension
Yosef seeks out his brothers

Vayeishev 37:1-4 – Copy

37:1-4 translation of Chumash with a couple points from Rashi

Vayeishev 37:5-11 – Copy

Yosef dreams; brothers’ reaction

Vayeishev 37:5-11

Yosef dreams; brothers’ reaction

Vayeishev 37:1-4

37:1-4 translation of Chumash with a couple points from Rashi

vocab. perakim 39-40

list 13

vocabulary: Vayeishev perek 37

list 11