Common Chumash Words ?>

Common Chumash Words

Extra Shevua 2

Ma’ariv Aravim and Yotzeir Or

Vocabulary, including roots, prefixes, and suffixes related to Ma’ariv Aravim and Yotzeir Or

The Extra Shevua

Brachos Sugya 3b Vocab

Gematria Part 2

a list of gematrias from mem to tav

Sh’ma – Copy

Words in Sh’ma Yisrael from the Hebrew Liturgy

The First Three Questions

מי כמכה – Mi Chamocha

Vocabulary, including roots and prefixes, related to G’ulah/Mi Chamocha (Prayers of Redemption)

Sh’ma/V’ahavta – Edited

Vocabulary, roots, prefixes and suffixes from Sh’ma and V’ahavta (and a few related words)