
  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 First Jew Abraham    
2 Had a child at 90 Sarah    
3 First Book of Torah Bresheit    
4 Second Book of Torah Shemot    
5 Almost sacrificed by his father Isaac    
6 Forefather with 2 wives Jacob    
7 New Year for Trees Tu B'Shvat    
8 Festival of Weeks Shavuot    
9 Led Women in song Miriam    
10 1st High Priest Aaron    
11 Mordechai Defeated Haman    
12 Sold into Slavery Joseph    
13 Isaac's Wife Rebecca    
14 Call to prayer Barachu    
15 1st man created Adam    
16 1st Women Created Eve    
17 Married Jacob First Leah    
18 Wife Jacob loved most Rachel    
19 Jacob's Favorite Son Joseph    
20 Holiday of Freedom Pesach    
21 We live in huts Sukkot    
22 A Fast Day Yom Kippur    
23 Moses Parted the Red Sea    
24 Maccabees Defeated Anitochus    
25 Cain Killed his brother    
26 Tu B'shvat New Tear for the Trees    
27 Noah Survived the Flood    