Naomi Exam Study Key Words

  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 קדוש Holy    
2 קדושים Holy (plural)    
3 כל Everyone or all    
4 תיראו Fear (plural)    
5 שבת Shabbat    
6 חייבין Obligated    
7 כבוד Respect    
8 תשמרו Keep (plural)    
9 תפנו Turn (plural)    
10 אל Don't . Can also mean Not Important    
11 אללים idols    
12 אלהי מסכה 2nd name for idols, that also has G-ds name in it    
13 קציר Harvest    
14 פאת Corner    
15 לקט Mitzvah of leaving fallen food in your field for the poor    
16 דם Blood    
17 רעך Your friend (or neighbour)    
18 תשפוט judge    
19 פני- דל Poor (bible language)    
20 עני Poor    
21 גר Convert/ Foreigner    
22 לגנוב To steal    
23 לגזל To steal in the open (daylight robbery)    
24 תגבנו Steal (plural)    
25 תשקרו Lie (plural)    
26 תחכשו Deny (plural)    
27 תשבעו Swear/Vow/Promise    
28 תקלל Curse    
29 חרש Deaf/ Hearing-impaired    
30 עור Blind/ to have a blind spot or be blind to something    
31 עול Evil/ injustice    
32 לא תעשו Something that should not be done    