1 |
חורש |
Preparing the ground for planting |
2 |
זורע |
Helping a plant to grow |
3 |
קוצר |
Harvesting |
4 |
בורר |
Removing waste from good (with fingers or tool) |
5 |
אופה |
Baking/Cooking |
6 |
Bundling |
Gathering produce into piles |
7 |
Threshing |
Removing food from its natural container |
8 |
Winnowing |
Using air to separate waste from good |
9 |
Grinding |
Chopping into small pieces |
10 |
Sifting |
Using a sieve to separate out the big pieces |
11 |
Kneading |
Mixing wet and dry into a mush |
12 |
מלבן |
Bleaching/Laundering |
13 |
צובע |
Dyeing |
14 |
קושר |
Tying a permanent knot |
15 |
מתיר |
Untying a permanent knot |
16 |
תופר |
Sewing |
17 |
קורע |
Tearing in order to resew |
18 |
Shearing |
Removing non-living growth from a living thing |
19 |
Combing |
Untangling |
20 |
Spinning |
Twisting into thread |
21 |
Preparing the loom |
Setting up cloth making equipment |
22 |
Weaving |
entwining threads into cloth |
23 |
Removing from the loom and finishing edges |
unravelling or finishing cloth |