Most Common Shorashim 101-200

  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 חתת Be dismayed, filled with terror, Be shattered    
2 תפשֹ Take hold of, Seize    
3 ֹשכם Get up or do something early    
4 צלח Succeed, Prosper    
5 כֹשל Stumble, Cause to stumble    
6 ֹשבת Stop, Cease, Rest    
7 עור Awake, Arouse    
8 ֹשמד Annihilate, Destroy    
9 סגר Close, Shut, Deliver, Hand over    
10 טהר Cleanse, Purify, Be cleansed, purified    
11 שֹבע Satisfy, Be satisfied    
12 ספר Count, Recount, Report    
13 בכה Cry, Weep    
14 נבא Prophesy    
15 נגֹש Approach, Draw near    
16 חלק Divide, Apportion, Distribute    
17 חזה See, Perceive (a vision)    
18 חדל Cease, Stop, Put an end to    
19 דבק Cling to, Cleave to    
20 זרע Sow, Seed    
21 פעל Do, Make, Perform    
22 ֹשדד Devastate, Ruin    
23 רחק Be(come) far or distant    
24 נטע Plant    
25 נחל Give or get as an inheritance, Possess    
26 יכח Prove, Rebuke    
27 יבֹש Dry up, Wither    
28 שֹכל Understand, Have insight, Be successful    
29 פדה Redeem    
30 זנה Go astray, Be unfaithful    
31 בער Burn, Consume    
32 ֹשקה Give to drink, Irrigate    
33 קרע Tear    
34 נצר Watch, Guard, Protect, Preserve    
35 יצר Form, Shape, Create    
36 דרך Tread, March, Bend a bow (to shoot)    
37 ברח Run away, Flee    
38 ארר Curse    
39 אחז Grasp, Take hold of, Seize    
40 תמם Become complete or finished    
41 פוץ Be scattered, dispersed, Overflow    
42 נצח Be victorious    
43 פרשֹ Spread out, Stretch out    
44 רפא Heal    
45 תקע Thrust, Pitch, Blow, Clap    
46 נבט Look at, Gaze    
47 מֹשח Anoint, Smear    
48 פלא Be extraordinary, amazing, too difficult    
49 לין Spend the night    
50 ריב Quarrel    
51 רחץ Wash, Bathe oneself    
52 זעק Cry out, Call for help    
53 אסר Tie, Bind, Imprison, Forbid    
54 נצב Stand, Set up, Establish    
55 מאס Despise, Reject    
56 חפץ Desire, Be willing    
57 ערך Arrange, Set in order    
58 חלה Become weak, sick    
59 חנן Show favor, Be gracious, Ask for favor    
60 רכב Ride    
61 מכר Sell or be sold, Hand over    
62 יעץ Advise, Consult with    
63 ֹשחט Slaughter    
64 מֹשל Rule    
65 מהר Hasten, Hurry    
66 קלל Curse, Make lighter    
67 עזר Help, Assist    
68 סתר Hide, Be hidden, secret    
69 גור Dwell, Sojourn    
70 פלל Pray, Judge    
71 קנה Acquire, Buy    
72 ֹשית Set, Put, Place    
73 למד Learn, Teach    
74 ֹשיר Sing    
75 ֹשמם Be or cause to be deserted or desolate    
76 חרה Become angry, hot    
77 מלט Escape, Flee, Leave undisturbed    
78 הפך Turn, Overturn, Be changed    
79 אמן Believe, Be faithful, reliable    
80 ֹשרת Serve, Minister to    
81 רעע Be bad, Do evil    
82 ֹשכח Forget, Be forgotten    
83 כפר Atone, Cover    
84 רוץ Run    
85 גאל Redeem, Avenge    
86 יתר Leave over, Remain    
87 נחם Comfort, Regret, Change one’s mind    
88 ידה Thank, Praise, Admit    
89 לבֹש Put on a garment, Wear    
90 כבד Be or Make heavy, Honor    
91 קטר Make (a korban) go up in smoke    
92 ֹשלם Be finished, complete, whole, Repay    
93 ֹשפך Pour, Spill    
94 שֹרף Burn    
95 יטב Do good to, Be pleasing    
96 גדל Grow, Become great    
97 בטח Trust    
98 לכד Capture    
99 חֹשב Think    
100 ֹשלך Throw    