Gemara Key Terms Hamafkid

  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 איתּמר Introduces an arguement between 2 אמוראים It has been said    
2 אי הכי Introduces a challenge to an answer that was just mentioned If so    
3 איתיביה An attack against an אמורא based on a Tanaic source He callenged him    
4 הלכתא Introduces the accepted Halacha The Halacha is...    
5 מתקיף Introduces a challenge based on logic He challenged    
6 תא שמע Introduces a proof from a Tanaic source Come and listen    
7 אלא After an answer has been rejected, a new answer is given Instead    
8 תניא Introduces a quote from a Braitha We have learned    
9 תנן Introduces a quote from the Mishna just learned We have learned    
10 תניא כוותיה ד Introduces a quote from a Tanaic source that supports the opinion of an אמורא We have learned in support of...    
11 הלכה כ Introduces the accepted Halacha The Halacha is like...    
12 תיקו The question that was asked remains unanswered It (the question) stands    