Mishnah Intro

  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 כשר fit, valid, kosher    
2 ...זרעים, מועד The names of Sedarim    
3 לשם שמים for sake of Heaven (right reasons)    
4 תורה שבּכתב The ’Written Torah’ (Bible/Tanach)    
5 70 CE Romans destroy Temple, exile Jews    
6 תוֹרה שׁבּעל פּה "Oral Torah"    
7 מִשְׁנָה Part I of the Oral Torah    
8 גמרא Part II of the Oral Torah    
9 Talmud Mishnah plus Gemara put together    
10 רבי יהוּדה הנשּׂיא He wrote down the Mishnah    
11 200 CE When the Mishnah was written down    
12 סֵדר Order (main section)    
13 ש’’ס Short for "Shisha Sedarim"    
14 מַסֶכֶת Tractate (sub-section)    
15 תנאים Title for Rabbis of the Mishnah    
16 הלל, שמאי, ר’ עקיבא some famous Tanaim    
17 תנא קמא anonymous (first) opinion    
18 מחלוקת disagreement/dispute    
19 פסול not kosher, not valid    