
  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 כל עיקר At all    
2 מעיקרא From the beginning/ in the first place    
3 מעשה an action    
4  מזיד on purpose    
5 כופר payment to victims family of damages    
6 ניזק the guy who got damaged    
7 מזיק the damager    
8 Rav Chisdah Amount someone would pay for the rights to the Ketubah    
9 Rav Natan The difference between the Ketubah, and the rights    
10 Rav Papa He clarifies Rav Natan saying that we pay only the stuf which is in the Ketubah    
11 על מנת on condition that    
12 אומד to assess/determine    
13 מלוה to loan    
14 משכון collateral    
15 עדים זוממים Conspiring witnesses    
16 בן גרושה Son of a Cohen that married a divorced women    
17 בן חלוצה son of a cohen who is married to a חלוצה    
18 חלל Cohen who lost his Cohenness    
19 גלות Exile (where you go when you accidentally killed someone)    
20 לוקה lashes    
21 כאשר זמם As they plotted to do to ploney, they get punished in the same way    