Shemos Perek 2

  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 ותהר and she became pregnant    
2 ותלד and she gave birth    
3 ותרא and she saw    
4 ותצפנהו and she hid him    
5 ירחים months    
6 תבת גמא a box of reed grass    
7 ותחמרה and she coated it    
8 בחמר with clay    
9 בזפת with pitch    
10 שפת edge    
11 ותתצב and she stood    
12 מרחק from a distance    
13 ותרד and she went down    
14 לרחץ to bathe    
15 ונערתיה and her young girls    
16 על יד next to    
17 היאר the river    
18 ותקחה and she took it    
19 ותפתח and she opened it    
20 בכה crying    
21 ותחמל and she had mercy    
22 האלך should I go    
23 אשה מינקת nursing woman    
24 לכי go    
25 העלמה the young girl    
26 שכרך your wages    
27 ויגדל and he grew up    
28 ותבאהו and she brought him    
29 משיתהו I drew him    
30 בסבלתם their hard work    
31 מכה hitting    
32 ויפן and he turned    
33 כה וכה this way and that way    
34 ויך and he hit    
35 ויטמנהו and he hid him    
36 בחול in the sand    
37 נצים fighting    
38 למה why    
39 רעך your friend    
40 שמך put you    
41 שר officer    
42 שפט judge    
43 הלהרגני you will kill me    
44 אכן it is true    
45 נודע is known    
46 הדבר the matter    
47 ויבקש and he wanted    
48 ויברח and he ran away    
49 וישב a and he settled    
50 וישב b and he sat    
51 על הבאר next to the well    
52 כהן chief    
53 ותבאנה and they came    
54 ותדלנה and they drew water    
55 ותמלאנה and they filled    
56 הרהטים the troughs    
57 להשקות to give to drink    
58 ויגרשום and chased them away    
59 ויושיען and saved them    
60 וישק and gave to drink    
61 מהרתן did you hurry    
62 הצילנו saved us    
63 דלה דלה surely drew water    
64 ואיו and where is he    
65 עזבתן that you left    
66 קראן לו call him    
67 ויואל and he agreed    
68 לשבת to settle    
69 גר a stranger    
70 נכריה foeign    
71 ויאנחו and they groaned    
72 ויזעקו and they cried out    
73 ותעל and it went up    
74 שועתם their cry    
75 העבודה the work    
76 נעקתם their cries    
77 ויזכר and He remembered    
78 את בריתו His covenant (treaty)    
79 וירא and He saw    
80 וידע and He knew    