15A 18-39 gemara only

  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 שמע מינה We hear from here    
2 חֵרֵש A deaf person    
3 לא יתרום Should not separate תרומה    
4 דיעבד After the fact (once the action was done)    
5 לאזנךָ To your ears    
6 דקדק Carefully say    
7 למפרע Backwards    
8 הַשמע Sound out!    
9 אִין Yes    
10 לכתחילה In the first place    
11 גַבֵּי Concerning    
12 תַּליָא Is hanging    
13 מילְתָא The matter    
14 וממאי And from what (how do you know)    
15 תּדַע You know (the proof is)    
16 אַמְרִי They said    
17 לְהוֹדיעךָ To inform you    
18 לא השמיע did not sound out    