דברים פרק כ"ב פסוקים א’ – ג’

  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 ֹשוֹר ox    
2 שֵֹיוֹ his sheep    
3 נִדָחִים wandering    
4 וְהִתְעַלַמְתָּ and you hide    
5 קָרוֹב near    
6 וַאַסַפתּוֹ and he should gather it    
7 דְרֹֹש inquire    
8 וַהַֹשֵבֹתוֹ and return it    
9 לַחַמֹרוֹ to his donkey    
10 לְשִֹמְלָתוֹ to his clothing    
11 וּמְצָאתָה and found    
12 לְהִתְעַלֵם to hide    