Shemos 01 sharashim B

  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 י.ס.פ. continue    
2 ל.ח.מ. fight    
3 ע.ל.ה. go up / bring up    
4 שׂ.ו.מ. put / place    
5 ע.נ.ה. answer / torture    
6 ב.נ.ה. build    
7 ע.ב.ד. work / serve    
8 י.ל.ד. give birth    
9 ר.א.ה. see / appear    
10 י.ר.א. fear / have awe    
11 ח.י.ה. live / keep alive    
12 שׁ.ו.ע. save    
13 ט.ו.ב. be good    
14 שׁ.ל.כ. throw    
15 צ.ו.ה. command    
16 ח.כ.מ. be wise    