Shemos 01 sharashim B match the word with its shoresh and translation

  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 וַיָּקָם and he got up ק.ו.מ.    
2 לֹא־יָדַע he did not know י.ד.ע.    
3 יִרְבֶּה he will be many ר.ב.ה.    
4 וְנוֹסַף and he will be added י.ס.פ.    
5 וְנִלְחַם and he will fight ל.ח.מ.    
6 וְעָלָה and he will go up ע.ל.ה.    
7 וַיָּשִׂימוּ and they put שׂ.ו.מ.    
8 עַנֹּת֖וֹ to torture HIM / IT ע.נ.ה.    
9 וַיִּבֶן and he built ב.נ.ה.    
10 יְעַנּוּ they will torture ע.נ.ה.    
11 עָבְדוּ they worked ע.ב.ד.    