Shemos 01 sharashim C match the word with its shoresh and translation

  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 וּרְאִיתֶן and you will see ר.א.ה.    
2 וַהֲמִתֶּן אֹתוֹ you will cause him to die מ.ו.ת.    
3 וַתִּירֶאןָ and they feared / had awe י.ר.א.    
4 וְלֹא עָשׂוּ and they did not do ע.שׂ.ה.    
5 וַתְּחַיֶּיןָ and they let live ח.י.ה.    
6 וַתֹּאמַ֤רְןָ and you / they said א.מ.ר.    
7 וַיַּֽעַצְמוּ and they became strong ע.צ.מ.    
8 וַיְהִי and it was ה.י.ה.    
9 וְהָיָה and it will be ה.י.ה.    
10 וַיַּ֥עַשׂ and He made ע.שׂ.ה.    
11 וַיְצַו and he commanded צ.ו.ה.    
12 תַּשְׁלִיכֻהוּ you will throw HIM שׁ.ל.כ.    