Shemos 03 sharashim A1 match the word with its shoresh and translation

  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 רֹעֶה was shepherding ר.ע.ה.    
2 וַיִּנְהַג and he guided נ.ה.ג.    
3 וַיָּבֹא and he came ב.ו.א.    
4 וַיֵּרָ֠א and he appeared ר.א.ה. (passive)    
5 וַיַּרְא and he saw ר.א.ה. (active)    
6 בֹּעֵר is burning ב.ע.ר.    
7 אֻכָּל consumed / eaten up א.כ.ל.    
8 סָר he turned aside ס.ו.ר. (past tense)    
9 אָסֻרָה I will turn aside ס.ו.ר. (future tense)    
10 וְאֶרְאֶה and I will see ר.א.ה. (future tense)    