Shemos 03 sharashim A2 match the word with its shoresh and translation

  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 לִרְאוֹת to see  ר.א.ה. (infinitive)    
2 וַיִּקְרָא֩ and he called ק.ר.א.    
3 אַל־תִּקְרַב don’t come close ק.ר.ב.    
4 עוֹמֵד (you) are standing ע.מ.ד.    
5 יָרֵא he was afraid / awed י.ר.א.    
6 רָאֹ֥ה רָאִ֛יתִי I have surely seen  ר.א.ה. (double - for sure!)    
7 שָׁמַ֨עְתִּי֙ I heard שׁ.מ.ע.    
8 לְהַצִּילוֹ to save HIM נ.צ.ל.    
9 וּֽלְהַעֲלֹתוֹ֘ and to bring HIM / IT up ע.ל.ה.    
10 לְכָה GO! ה.ל.כ.    