Shemos 02 sharashim A2 match the word with its shoresh

  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 הַֽאֵלֵךְ shall I go? ה.ל.כ.    
2 וְקָרָאתִי and I will call ק.ר.א.    
3 אִשָּׁה מֵינֶקֶת a woman who nurses י.נ.ק.    
4 וְתֵינִק and she will nurse י.נ.ק.    
5 לֵכִי GO! ה.ל.כ.    
6 וַתֵּלֶךְ֙ and she went ה.ל.כ.    
7 וַתִּקְרָ֖א and she called ק.ר.א.    
8 וְהֵֽינִקִ֣הוּ and nurse HIM י.נ.ק.    
9 אֶתֵּן I will give נ.ת.נ.    
10 וַתִּקַּ֧ח and she took ל.ק.ח.    