Shemos 04 sharashim A match the word with its shoresh

  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 יַֽאֲמִינוּ they will believe א.מ.נ.    
2 וַיָּבֵא and he brought ב.ו.א.    
3 שָׁבָה it returned שׁ.ו.ב.    
4 וַיַּעַן and he answered ע.נ.ה.    
5 לֹא־יַאֲמִינוּ they will not believe א.מ.נ.    
6 לֹ֥א יִשְׁמְעוּ they will not listed שׁ.מ.ע.    
7 נִרְאָ֥ה appeared ר.א.ה.    
8 וַיַּשְׁלִכֵהוּ and he threw IT שׁ.ל.כ.    
9 שְׁלַח send שׁ.ל.ח.    
10 וַיָּנָס and he fled נ.ו.ס.    
11 וֶאֱחֹז and grab א.ח.ז.    
12 וַיַּֽחֲזֶק and he held it tightly ח.ז.ק.    
13 וְשָׁפַכְתָּ and you should pour שׁ.פ.כ.    