Vocabulary 2

  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 אֵל God (s m)    
2 אֲשֶׁר That / Which    
3 אֱלוֹהִים God / Gods can be written without the vav    
4 אֶלוֹהֵינוּ Our God can be written without the vav    
5 אֱלוֹהֵי God of can be written without the vav    
6 כָּל All    
7 אָב Father (s m)    
8 אָבוֹת Fathers (p)    
9 אִמָהוֹת Mothers (p f)    
10 גְבוּרוֹת Heroism (p)    
11 גִבּוֹר Hero (s m)    
12 לְעוֹלָם Forever eternity    
13 חַיִים Life    
14 קָדוֹשׁ Holy (s m)    
15 הַ The (the king) (הַמֶלֶךְ)    