
  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 לְ... to/for a    
2 כַּ... like the    
3 כְּשֶׁ... when    
4 בֶּ... in/with the    
5 שֶׁ... that    
6 בְּ... in/with a    
7 לָ... to/for the    
8 בָּ... in/with the    
9 כְּ... like a    
10 לַ... to/for the    
11 מ... from    
12 כָּ... like the    
13 בַּ... in/with the    
14 לֶ... to/for the    
15 כֶּ... like the    
16 ה... the    
17 תּ... you will or she will    
18 י... he will    
19 וַ... and (changes verb to the past)    
20 א... I will    
21 י....וּ they will    