Shemos 04 phrases B

  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 וְשָׂמַח בְּלִבּוֹ and he will be happy in his heart    
2 פִּיךָ your mouth    
3 פִּיהוּ his mouth    
4 וַיִּשַּׁק־לוֹ and he kissed him    
5 וְאָשׁוּבָה אֶל־אַחַי and I will return to my brothers    
6 לֵךְ לְשָׁלוֹם go to peace    
7 הַמֹּפְתִים the wonders    
8 וַתְּמָאֵן and you refuse    
9 בְּנִי בְכֹרִי my firstborn son    
10 עָנִי חָשׁוּב כְּמֵת a poor person is considered like dead    