Perek 19 Part 1

  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 וַיָּבֹאוּ and they came    
2 בְּשַׁעַר in the gate of    
3 וַיַּרְא and he saw    
4 וַיָּקָם and he got up    
5 לִקְרָאתָם to greet them    
6 סוּרוּ נָא please turn    
7 וְלִינוּ and sleep    
8 וְרַחֲצוּ and wash    
9 רַגְלֵיכֶם your feet    
10 וְהִשְׁכַּמְתֶּם and wake up early    
11 וַהֲלַכְתֶּם and you can go    
12 לְדַרְכְּכֶם to your way    
13 בָרְחוֹב in the street    
14 נָלִין we will sleep    
15 וַיִּפְצַר-בָּם and he begged them    
16 אָפָה baked    
17 טֶרֶם before    
18 יִשְׁכָּבוּ they went to sleep    
19 נָסַבּוּ surrounded    
20 מִנַּעַר וְעַד-זָקֵן from young to old    
21 אַיֵּה where    
22 סָגַר closed    
23 תָּרֵעוּ do bad    
24 אוֹצִיאָה I will take out    
25 בְּצֵל קֹרָתִי in the shade of my house    
26 גֶּשׁ-הָלְאָה move aside    
27 וַיִּגְּשׁוּ and they came close    
28 לִשְׁבֹּר to break    
29 וַיִּשְׁלְחוּ and they sent    
30 וַיָּבִיאוּ and they brought him    
31 הִכּוּ בַּסַּנְוֵרִים hit with blindness    
32 מִקָּטֹן, וְעַד-גָּדוֹל from small to big    
33 וַיִּלְאוּ and they were tired    
34 חָתָן son in law    
35 מַשְׁחִית destroy    
36 כִמְצַחֵק like a joke    
37 הַשַּׁחַר עָלָה the morning star came up    
38 וַיָּאִיצוּ and they hurried    
39 פֶּן-תִּסָּפֶה maybe you will be destroyed    
40 וַיִּתְמַהְמָהּ and he took his time    