Shemos Rashi – Part 1

  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 אף על פי even though    
2 שמנאן that he counted them    
3 בחייהן during thier lifetime    
4 בשמותן with their names    
5 חזר he repeated    
6 במיתתן after they passed away    
7 להודיע to let us know    
8 חבתן their dearness    
9 שנמשלו they are compared    
10 לכוכבים to the stars    
11 שמוציאן that He takes them out    
12 ומכניסן and brings them in    
13 במספר with counting    
14 ללמדנו to teach us    
15 להודיעך to let you know    
16 צדקתו the righteousness of    
17 הרועה who sheperded    
18 שישה בכרס אחד six babies in one womb    