Bava Metzia Page 34b

  Hebrew Term English Term/Definition Hebrew Definition Hint Picture Audio
1 מלוה A lender    
2 לוה A borrower    
3 הלוואה The actual loan    
4 משכון A security    
5 תובע The person that is demanding    
6 נתבע The person that is being demanded from    
7 כופר בכל A person that denies everything    
8 מודה במקצת A person that admits some of the claim    
9 רישא דרישא The very beginning of the משנה    
10 סיפא דרישא The end of the first part of the משנה    
11 רישא דסיפא The beginning part of the second part of the משנה    
12 סיפא דסיפא The very end of the second part of the משנה    