

List Name Area Subject List Type
Teacher School Grade
Climbing Har Sinai Unit 7 Chumash English to Hebrew Tzipi Altmann Tiferet of Teaneck 2nd 3rd 4th
Shorashim 4 Shorashim Hebrew to Hebrew Nataly Cohen Yeshiva Har Torah 3rd
Shoresh List #3B Hebrew to Hebrew OCA Baltimore Ohr Chadash Academy
Birchot Hashachar – The Complete Art scroll siddur Tefillah English to Hebrew Binah Messinger Fun School 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Shorashim Group 2 Hebrew to Hebrew Stephanie Guedalia Independant
Hebrew numbers 1-10 English to Hebrew Karen Asher Karen Asher 2nd
Shoresh List #2B Hebrew to Hebrew OCA Baltimore Ohr Chadash Academy
Climbing Har Sinai Unit 6 Chumash English to Hebrew Tzipi Altmann Tiferet of Teaneck 2nd 3rd 4th
Milim Lists 1-10 Gemara/Talmud English to Hebrew Mordechai Goldstein Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh 7th 8th
Climbing Har Sinai Unit 5 Chumash English to Hebrew Tzipi Altmann Tiferet of Teaneck 2nd 3rd 4th