

List Name Area Subject List Type
Teacher School Grade
Veahavta Tefillah English to Hebrew Karen Asher Karen Asher 4th
Mechina lesson 1 -13 Literature English to Hebrew shoshi golan kta 9th
Bishvil Ivrit – Phrases chapter 2 Vocabulary Nouns English to Hebrew Talia Weinberg Kesser TOrah College 8th
Bishvil Ivrit 1: Unit 2 Vocabulary Nouns English to Hebrew Talia Weinberg Kesser TOrah College 7th
Suffixes Chumash Genesis / Bereshit, בראשית Parshat Miqeitz Parshat Vayigash Parshat Vayyeshev English to Hebrew Morah Morris Beth Tfiloh 4th
Prefixes Chumash Genesis / Bereshit, בראשית Parshat Miqeitz Parshat Vayigash Parshat Vayyeshev English to Hebrew Morah Morris Beth Tfiloh 4th
Unit 7 Shorashim English to Hebrew Ariela Boboyev Yeshiva Shaarei Zion 1st
Sukkah Perek 1 Mishna 1 Mishna Moed מועד Sukkah Hebrew to Hebrew Aron Gross Yeshivah College
Sukkah Perek 1 Mishna 2 Mishna Moed מועד Sukkah Hebrew to Hebrew Aron Gross Yeshivah College
Sukkah Perek 1 Mishna 3 Mishna Moed מועד Sukkah Hebrew to Hebrew Aron Gross Yeshivah College