Perek 14 ?>

Perek 14


NS 2/26


2C He’Atid Shorashim


Lehavin Shorashim 1

Shorashim for Parashat lech lecha1

שורשים פרשת לך לך

shorashim Lech Lecha

שורשים פרשת לך לך

shorashim Lech Lecha

List #3- end of perek 17 yud zayin and misc.

Perek 17 pasuk 15-27 (end) פרק י״ז פסוקים ט״ו-כ״ז

Perek 17 Milim bapasuk to ivrit meduberet

Cloned and edited to include English too. My first dahbear word list that I’m working with- a test