מִטְבָּח – Copy

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אני אוכלת ב
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יש הרבה אוכל על ה
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אל תיגע ב
- זה מאוד חם! ע
קר מאוד. ע
ילד! תוציא את ה
. ע
תשב יפה ב
. ע

Congratulations. You completed the Story game in 00:00:00 with a score of 00%.

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Show Instructions

Use the dropdown to select the correct word to fill in the blank in the sentence and click Check Answer.

After clicking, the game will display whether you selected the correct answer or not.  Click Next to go onto the next sentence in the game.

At the end of the game, your score will be displayed.  If you are not happy with your score, you will have the option to play again by clicking Click to Play again.
