Shemos 2

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and he made a wound on him
with a slave who is a thief
בְּעֻבְדָּא גַּנָּבָא
From where do we know that a Nirtza
until this point
וְחָבַל וְעָשָׂה בּוֹ חַבּוּרָה
who's days are completed
It is about a slave whose master gave him
(The pasuk) comes to teach us
Come and hear
are we dealing
מִנַּיִין לַנִּרְצָע
שֶׁכָּלוּ לוֹ יָמָיו
עַד הָאִידְנָא
בְּעֶבֶד שֶׁמָּסַר לוֹ רַבּוֹ
until this point
עַד הָאִידְנָא
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