Gemara Game 3
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וְלֹא מְהַדְרִינָן
לוֹקֵחַ הַוֵי
He husband can take it out of the hand of the buyer
And we do not return to him
בְּחַיֵי בַּעְלָה
In אושא they decreed
לֹא מֵיהַדַר
He is a buyer
And then died
מוֹצִיא מִיַד הַלָקוֹחוֹת
In her husband’s lifetime
שָׁמוּ לֵי'ה לְאִשָׁה
If it was valued and given to a woman
He does not return
בְּאוּשָׁא הִתְקִינוּ
And she married
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Click on a card to see what’s on the other side. Click on a second card to look for the matching Hebrew or English word.