Devarim 1

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reminded them in a hint
חזרנוּ על כל המִקרָא
דברי תוכחות
words of rebuke
out of respect for Israel
מפּני כּבודן של ישראל
אֵלֶה הַדְבָרִים
these are the words
we reviewed the entire Torah
הוֹכֵחַ תּוֹכִיחַ אֶת־עֲמִיתֶךָ
פָּארָן תֹּפֶל וְדִי זָהָב
הוֹאִיל משֶה
you surely must rebuke your neighbor
"Places" the Israelites were
"Second Law"
Moshe began
והִזכּירַם בּרֶמֶז
בֵּאֵר אֶת הַתוֹרָה
explaining the Torah
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Click on a card to see what’s on the other side. Click on a second card to look for the matching Hebrew or English word.
