
or press Enter
דקרי לה אב?
We learned it in a Beritah
מאי שנא
(the Pausuk) starts with them term Nigifah
(the wording) teaches you
What is the difference
laying down
its written GORING!
ומועד לבהמה
and finishes (calling it) Negichah
but an animal Warned for animals
וסיים בנגיחה,
לומר לך:
פתח בנגיפה
is called an Av
אדם דאית ליה מזלא
a person has Mazal
כתיב כי יגח,
Show Instructions

Click and drag the Hebrew or English word over the matching definition

A match will eliminate both cards.

Play the Matching Game again and again to improve your time score!
