Gemara Game

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That the משכון is burned
As רב הונא said
וַאַמוּר רַבָּנָן
To the סיפא of the רישא
שֶׁיֵש עֵדִים
אֶלָא אַמַר רַב יוֹסֵף
אַסֵיפָא דְרֵישָׁא
לְדְרַב הוּנָא
אִי הָכִי
This is a different answer than before because with first answer was contradicted
הֵיכֵי מָצִי מַפִּיק לָה
If so
And if it is
And the רבנן said
How can he bring it out
וְאִם אִיתָא
There are witnesses
Show Instructions

Click and drag the Hebrew or English word over the matching definition

A match will eliminate both cards.

Play the Matching Game again and again to improve your time score!
