mishnah sukah perek two

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no good, unless schach would stand on it’s own without the bedposts
can you enter a wagon or boat sukkah on yom-tov
what are the three opinions of sleeping under a bed in the sukka
if you pile up so much scach that you cnt see the stars is it ok
A master asking his servant for a drink and throwing it in his face
what was brought to the three chachamim in mishnah hai
if your food get’s ruined
She had a baby boy on sukkos, they broke open the ceiling on top of the baby and put schach
are walls made up of trees ok for a sukkah
are women obligated to eat in the sukkah
what is rain on sukahs compared to
what is the story of shamai`s daughter in-law
at what piont can you leave the sukkah if it rains
what does rabbi yehudah sy about a sukkah on bed posts
yes, but schach needs to be standing on separate frame
2 dates and a pitcher of water
T"K=Not yotze if over 10 tefachim. R"Y says yes yotze even over 10 tefachim. R"S not
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