mishnah sukah perek two

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can you enter a wagon or boat sukkah on yom-tov
A master asking his servant for a drink and throwing it in his face
yes, but schach needs to be standing on separate frame
R’ Eliezer says you make it up and Chachamim say you don’t
can you make up a missed meal
can you enter a tree or camal sukkah on yom-tov
what is the story of shamai`s daughter in-law
what is rain on sukahs compared to
She had a baby boy on sukkos, they broke open the ceiling on top of the baby and put schach
if you pile up so much scach that you cnt see the stars is it ok
T"K=Not yotze if over 10 tefachim. R"Y says yes yotze even over 10 tefachim. R"S not
what are the three opinions of sleeping under a bed in the sukka
2 dates and a pitcher of water
R’ Eliezer says 14 meals, Chachamim say no set amount
are walls made up of trees ok for a sukkah
what is the machlclas between rabbi eliezer and the chachamim about how many meals t eat in the sukk
what was brought to the three chachamim in mishnah hai
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