Parshas Matos Questions

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Hashem only wanted the greatest tzaddikim to go.
What would they have to do in order to stay on the other side
Did Moshe delay the war
Why is it so important not to make a promise
Because they loved Moshe and they didn’t want him to die.
Why did the Jews go to war against Midyan and not Moav
What did the tribes of Gad and Reuvain ask Moshe for
Because it is terrible aveirah to break a promise.
How many Jewish soldiers died in the war
Why did the soldiers refuse to come
They wanted to stay on the other side of the Jordan with their sheep
No Jewish soldiers died.
Moav fought out of fear, Midyan fought out of hate.
Why did Hashem say to send such a small army
They would have to come join in the war for the land
Only 12,000, one thousand from each shevet.
Either by going to a Bais Din , or a talmud chacham who knows the law.
How can you cancel a promise
No, Moshe immediately began to prepare for war.
How many soldiers did Hashem say Moshe should send
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