Vayikra chapter 19
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When do you have to pay a laborer
What happens to meat from a Well-being sacrifice that was not eaten in the allotted time frame
How many days do you have to eat a Well-being sacrifice
What are the three mixtures that are forbidden by Vayikra 19
For how many years can you not eat the fruit of a new tree
What other command is in the same verse as the command to respect elders
This shall not remain with you until morning
This shall be set aside for jubilation before the LORD
He shall be to you as one of your citizens
How many commandments are there pertaining to idols
Name the two commandments the pertain to idol worships
What type of sacrifice has a 2 day time limit
What happens to someone who eats the meat of a sacrifice after these 2 days
What examples does the Torah give of “rendering an unfair decision”
What does the Torah say you should be careful NOT to do when reproving (rebuking ) your fellow Jew
Which two commands are in the same verse as “Love your fellow as yourself”
Man sleeps with slave woman. What kind of animal is his sacrifice
What is done with the fruit of the 4th year
Shabbat is mentioned two times. Each time, together with another law. What are each of those laws
Which two laws are followed by the command to “fear your God
What reason is given as to why you should love the stranger as yourself
two people you should love as yourself are
It will be brought to the entrance of the tent of meeting
what is left by the third day must be consumed in fire
three years it shall be forbidden to you
The priest shall make expiation (help him achieve forgiveness)for him
Love these two people as yourself
If it is eaten- it is an offensive thing
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