concepts Hamaneach

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The one who is holding the money being argued about is called the מוחזק. He has the upper hand in Beis Din
The judges in בבלact as the שלוחיםof the judges in Eretz Yisroel, and can rule even though there's no סמיכהin בבל. This is only used in cases of ממון(financial loss).
קרן רבית
Translation: פטורfrom the judgements of man and חייבin the judgement of שמים. There are certain cases when the Beis Din will not make a person pay for damages, yet he is still חייבin the בית דינ של מעלה.
A corner of the field which is designated for poor people to come and take.
If a person damages or does an עבירהwhen it was totally out of his control (אונס), he is פטור.
עבדינן שליחותייהו
המוציא מחבירו עליו הראיה
עבד כנעניis a Jewish slave. He works for 6 years, then goes free. He can marry a שפחה כנעניתwhile he is a slave. If he wants to remain a slave, he gets his ear pierced and is a slave until יובל. This is called a נרצע- pierced.
פטור מדיני אדם וחייב בדיני שמים
הלכה ואין מורין כן
Translation: The one who takes away from the one trying to take money away from the מוחזקis called the _מוציא_. He has the lower hand, and he needs to bring the proof (המוציא מחבירו עליו הראיה)
עבד עברי נרצע
Compensation for financial loss.
In a שטרfor a loan, קרןrefers to the principal amount (the amount of money borrowed), and ריבית refers to the interest on the loan. תורהdoes not allow us to charge our fellow Yidden interest when lending them money.
אונס רחמנא פטריה
This is the הלכה, but we don't publicize it. In certain situations, although the הלכהallows something, the Bais Din will advise not to do it, if asked.
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